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Why ‘Write Every Day’ Is Brilliant Advice – P.M. Lipscomb

PM Lipscomb Film Courage Video Interview on Writing Every Day

[Watch the video interview on Youtube here]


Film Courage: Have you heard the advice write every day?

P.M. Lipscomb, Filmmaker: I have heard that advice and I do think it’s really great advice because I believe when you hear writers of great stature saying that they write every single day, I believe Paul Thomas Anderson says that he writes every day, every morning he needs to wake up really early and that’s kind of his time because I think he’s got five or six kids or something. He’ll write every day and I think Aaron Sorkin might be another writer says that they write every single day. I believe what they’re saying (and I believe this as well) is that you lose a momentum because it’s the hardest part of any creative endeavor, that you’re sitting at a computer, whether you’re writing a screenplay or making a video game or any kind of element out there, is actually keeping your butt in the seat. If you get a habit of writing every single day then generally you’ll write through writer’s block or write through this concept of thinking that it’s not going to be good enough because…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

PM Lipscomb Film Courage Video Interview


P.M. Lipscomb has passionately made awarding-winning movies since April 23, 2006. He has made three feature films and thirty-six shorts presented at a dozen film festivals across the country. He strives to make work as a means of escape for the audience from the everyday hardships. After receiving the Emerging Filmmaker Award in 2015 for his decade of work in film, he was hired as a documentarian in Toronto, Canada to follow Jacob Barnett. P.M. Lipscomb has also taught film editing at the Academy of Art in San Francisco for a year and learned from experimental filmmakers such as Nathaniel Dorsky. P.M’s first feature film, CLOWNING was released through Gravitas Ventures and is available across many platforms. Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, P.M. Lipscomb has now moved to West Hollywood, where he is preparing his next feature film. It is in the genre of horror, and is called Bickle.  









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