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If You Don’t Have A Passion For Storytelling – Christian Elder

You know the sound of Tarantino, you know the sound of Diablo Cody, you know the sound of Spike Lee. These people have sounds.

[Watch the video interview on Youtube here]


Film Courage: Should someone be fearful with building their entertainment career or at least cautious?

Christian Elder, Screenwriter: I guess so but mostly be fearless because what I mean by that is there are so many forces that want to strip you of your voice as a writer and to make you compromise that voice and to make undermine that voice and confuse you into thinking that you should undermine your voice and that’s ridiculous, that’s absolutely ridiculous.

The greatest writers in screenwriting, we know who they are simply because not only when we read the scripts their voice is apparent and rises to the surface, but when we see the finished products, it’s apparent. You know the sound of Tarantino, you know the sound of Diablo Cody, you know the sound of Spike Lee. These people have sounds…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).


Christian Elder is a screenwriter, playwright and filmmaker based in Los Angeles, California. He has been a finalist for Tribeca All Access, a semi-finalist for the International Thomas Wolfe Playwriting Award, a quarterfinalist for the ScreenCraft Play contest and a quarterfinalist for the Academy Awards Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting. His work written for the stage has been recently developed at the Billie Holiday Theatre through the Frank Silvera Writers’ Workshop and Urban Stages, both in New York. He has written and directed two short films and is the creator and executive producer of the new crime fiction anthology podcast Hell, California. Elder’s Hell, California, is a hardboiled crime fiction podcast anthology series (co-produced by Jeremy Foley). It takes place in a mysterious, mythical California border town called Hell. Each episode is an original standalone noir story, often about greed, lust and murder. In March 2020, Elder, Foley and a team of six writers formed an online TV writers’ room during the pandemic, resulting in this series. 



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