
If You Can’t Answer These 6 Questions You Don’t Have A Story – Glenn Gers

Every character thinks they are the center of the story.

Film Courage: How do you define story? How do you teach it to clients and students?

Glenn Gers, Screenwriter: I think the basic idea of a story is that you’re going to be following a character or characters. It’s entirely possible to tell the story of multiple characters. You don’t only have to tell one person’s story. It’s nice, you can do it, but it is also possible to tell a story with 11 main characters. It takes a lot of work. You have to follow each main character and follow their story all the way through the narrative but in fact I believe any story is really about how a character trying to accomplish something runs into other people who will help or harm their intention. It’s sort of like Isaac Newton’s theory of billiard balls that once they get set in motion…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

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