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A Movie Producer Is Always Looking For Scripts by Jay Silverman of OFF THE MENU

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

Film Courage: How often are you looking for scripts to purchase?

Jay Silverman, photographer and director of OFF THE MENU: Constantly.

Film Courage: What is the process? Where are you looking?

Jay: I’m looking right now for a script for my next movie and working on ideas at the same time. We’ve had some bumps in the road. I tried to option a book, got very excited about it and it turns out the book was entangled in another country even though the rights had run out, the other country had a tax credit for the film and gave them advance funds which I didn’t know this but it legally terminates any kind of future purchase because the money is already at play, I never knew that.

Film Courage: It’s fascinating information because I would never think that either. These are all things that…

Jay: I don’t think the writer of the book knew that either.

Film Courage: Wow. So once you found out that this is probably a no-go…

Jay: This was just a week ago…

Film Courage: It was a week ago? Okay…how do you kind of get back on the horse and start looking for something?

Jay: I started immediately. I mean a filmmaker doesn’t typically have just one project that he’s interested in doing. In my case I have a pretty important mandate. I’m only looking to do projects that are personally beneficial to the world. And I’m not talking about pollution or something like that. I’m talking about a meaningful project that would help people engage and see things. Filmmaking is so brilliant. I just saw a great movie, I can mention it called THE INSULT and it’s a masterpiece! Why is it a masterpiece? Go see the movie and you’ll understand because it talks about…it didn’t matter that it was filmed in Lebanon. What mattered to me was it could have been anywhere. And whether you are talking positive about politics or negative, it could have happened anywhere. And it was not a true story, it was fiction. But the way it was filmed and the way it was written really tells a great story about tolerance and talks about hatred. And when you see a film like that and you walk out, you are affected in a way almost Shakespearean. And that’s the kind of films that I want to make. Films that viscerally help you understand the world more and maybe make you more tolerant, maybe make you more perceptive and certainly filmmaking is one of the best vehicles other than speech or a book. And to me a filmmaker really has an opportunity to tell a story with the belief (not in a purposeful preaching), but the belief is you’ll walk out and you’ll have a perspective you might never have had.

Watch the video interview on Youtube here








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