Actors Beware, Hollywood Feeds On Insecurity by Robin Riker
Film Courage: What would you say is the secret to remaining positive in a town where some people do want to see you succeed. And for others (maybe because of their own insecurities or whatever else is going on with them) they don’t? How do you remain on an even keel? Is it trying to remain at a high level in your mind in terms of being happy, being upbeat? What do you think is key?
Robin Riker: You live your life between the jobs and the auditions. That is what everyone forgets is that it’s easy to be happy and up and positive when you’re working…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).
Film Courage: Robin, I think you said that you never lived anywhere for more than a few years growing up. I’m wondering, I know your parents are also artists or actors, but how did that experience of moving around shape you? Did you have to become a chameleon and maybe more confident, less confident (whatever it was)?
Robin Riker: I think moving so frequently really helped me to become more confident because I got to shape who it is that I wanted to be. If I lived somewhere (and you know, kids can be very cruel) but if people said ‘Oh, she talks too much’ or ‘Oh, she’s this or she’s that,’ in a another year I was gong to be living somewhere else and I could dial that down. And so I listened to what people’s perception of me was. I didn’t become anything other than what I wanted to be and what I believed was the best I could be. I didn’t go….(watch the video on Youtube here).
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Paul Castro the original writer of the Warner Bros. hit movie, AUGUST RUSH.He is a produced, award winning screenwriter and world-renowned screenwriting professor. Success leaves clues and so do masterfully crafted screenplays that sell for millions of dollars.
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