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C 299792km/s: A Hard Sci-Fi Action Drama



I was living and working in Berlin when Derek first released the original C trailer. Derek had been doing tests for a while, and I’d been helping with the script off and on, but this was the first solid demo I’d seen. The look he had achieved was stunning, he had created an atmosphere so complete and intriguing that I was instantly hooked. I knew I had to come back and work on this project, it was too exciting to ignore, I had to be a part of it.

c (299,792 kilometers per second) from Derek Van Gorder on Vimeo.

Derek and I have been collaborating from the start. We met in college and quickly found we had an incredible understanding; our ideas simply snapped together. I have never met anyone that I can share a vision with like I can with Derek. Having already completed several ambitious projects, we both knew C was a challenge we could only take on together.
Although this film has lofty ideals and is meant as a call-to-arms for space exploration and scientific progress, in form it will still be a character-driven drama. It is paramount that we create dynamic characters and tense situations that pull the viewer through the narrative. The film should be beautiful and inspiring but above all it should be a gripping and satisfying story.

As filmmakers Derek and I highly value taking the time to get it right. Every detail must be perfect. From crafting a rich and layered plot, to creating our atmosphere, to choosing every single element within each frame, nothing is left out. We chose to avoid CGI and green-screen because we did not feel it would aid us in creating the look we were going for. Instead we opted to put the time and energy into exploring and further developing more traditional effects.

This is also why we are particularly excited about shooting this film entirely in studio. When working with a limited budget, location shoots can quickly become rushed and attention to detail has to be sacrificed. In a controlled environment, however, we can spend weeks fiddling with the lights and set before we have to worry about actors and shooting schedules.


 Now we’re almost ready to make this film. We’ve been running a Kickstarter campaign to raise the funds needed to complete this project and it has already been an incredibly rewarding experience. It truly amazes me how many people share our excitement about the project. Halfway in and we’ve already reached our goal! We were so inspired that we expanded our budget to make this film better than ever. We have designed a bigger and better ship model that will allow us to create spectacular space sequences during which the ship undergoes several stages.


If you like what you see, and you want to see more, please consider tossing a few bucks our way. It’s incredible how fast it adds up, and we will put it to good use!


Mr. Van Gorder and Mr. Stockmeier have been collaborating as a creative team for the past six years. During this time they have developed a nuanced and deliberate style of visual storytelling and a structured approach to production, with a knack for combining concept and resources to achieve the optimal outcome. These skills have enabled them to complete several ambitious film projects, which in turn have earned them FilmColumbia Student Selection Winner in 2007, a Kodak Film Award in 2009, and an IFC premiere in 2011. Having spent time working in New York City and Berlin they are now excited to bring their high standard for concept and execution to this project.

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