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Advice For Those Just Starting Out

If A Story Can’t Do This… It Needs More Work – Sarah T. Schwab

Sarah T Schwab Film Courage video interview

[Watch the video interview on YouTube here]


Film Courage: Why is story your North Star?

Sarah T. Schwab, Writer/Director/Producer: It’s very interesting. From a very young age as long as I can remember I have used imagination just to see the world. I think a lot of people do. I grew up outside of Buffalo, New York in the rural parts in corn country and dairy fields. 

I was an only child so I just had all these forests around me and there was a creek bed and I would spend my days because my friends weren’t super close to me all the time. I would see them at school but for the most part I was by myself. I’d run out into the woods just like this wild, feral child. I would create stories and I had to entertain myself because I didn’t have other people necessarily around besides my mom and dad so I think that was really the kernel of it. 

My mother is a writer as well she’s also a registered nurse. There were always books in the house, VHS back in the good old days and so we always had move nights. We would go to the drive-in a lot as a family and story was just a part of my life up from the time I was a little kid. I was always in school musicals reading about the different theater companies all around and it just percolated and I just loved it. I knew even as a young kid I want to get into this 

Film Courage: What elements make up a great story? 

Sarah: I think that when you touch on basic human conditions and I can’t define them because they’re different for every person but a good story for me is when it touches on things like love and hate and jealousy and compassion and the spectrum of what humans feel. There’s a myriad of ways that one can tell a story and have different aspects of that. For me I have always been driven to stories not regarding the genre of it but if it can make me laugh, if it can make me cry, if it can make me scared, if it can make me enticed and move forward and lean in, to me that’s a good story. Tt’s asking the questions of…(Watch the video interview on YouTube here).



Award-winning filmmaker, Sarah T. Schwab, is a writer, director, and producer dedicated to crafting authentic narratives that connect emotionally with audiences. Through her lens, audiences are invited to examine the human experience in ways that feel vivid, visceral, and often vulnerable. As an active member of the playwright and directors unit at the Actors Studio in New York City, Sarah also remains a valued contributor within the theatre community. Sarah’s most recent film, “A Stage of Twilight,” received critical acclaim and premiered at the Woods Hole Film Festival. It featured performances by Karen Allen and William Sadler, who won Best Performance in a Feature Film. Sarah herself was honored with the Best Emerging Director award. 









Karen Allen, Sarah T. Schwab, William Sadler Image
Karen Allen, Sarah T. Schwab, William Sadler behind the scenes on 
A Stage of Twilight

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