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Advice For Those Just Starting Out

If I Was Starting Out As A Filmmaker Today, This Is What I’d Do – Anthony DiBlasi

Photo by Paula Burr [Image from Anthony DiBlasi IMDB page]

[Watch the video interview on Youtube here]

Film Courage: If you had to teach a class on the business of making movies, where would you start?

Anthony: DiBlasi, Filmmaker: I would start with idea. I think idea is where it begins and I talk about it’s an efficiency of…it can’t all be an art, it’s a business. Filmmaking is a business as well. I think I learned that from my producing side of things. You have to be able to collaborate with others to find that medium between art and commerce. I think your idea doesn’t have to be something grand that’s going to change the world. It needs to be very personal to you as a filmmaker.

You might either have a great idea or you could have a great story within you and you can tell that but I think that’s where it has to start. You have to ask yourself Why am I doing this? Because it’s a hard business too. You have to have the dexterity and the stamina to withstand it for so many years. You have to ask yourself those questions.

I would always start with the idea. I think you have to nail it down and you have to get a screenplay written and you approach it that way.

Film Courage: How do you stay smart about the business choices you make?

Anthony: I’m one to say that entertainment, of its luck, a big part of its luck. I mean you have to do your best work but there’s so many factors involved in making and releasing a movie as well as the timing of that release, not only day-to-day but year-to-year that you can’t control it all. You can’t get caught up on it.

You just have to do what inspires you and stick to your guns on that and try not to worry about too much of the rest of it. That’s different for every filmmaker who’s at a different stage in their career but you’re always going to…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

Anthony DiBlasi Film Finance Film Courage video interview


Anthony DiBlasi graduated film school at Emerson College in Boston MA. Upon moving to Los Angeles he became a protégé of filmmaker/novelist Clive Barker. DiBlasi partnered in Barker’s production company Midnight Picture Show for nearly ten years, serving as a key executive & producer on films such as “Midnight Meat Train” (2008) and “Book of Blood” (2009). DiBlasi made his directorial debut with the psychological thriller “Dread” (2009), a feature film he wrote based on the Clive Barker short story of the same name. “Dread” was released theatrically in January of 2010 and went on to win Best Independent Feature at the 2010 Spike Scream Awards. He directed and co-wrote “Last Shift” a critically acclaimed supernatural horror film released by Magnolia Pictures in 2015. And directed “Extremity” a psychological thriller based on Extreme Haunts, released in 2018 by Epic Pictures. 










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