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How To Get Started In Filmmaking (With Little Experience) – Alok Mishra [FULL INTERVIEW]

Alok Mishra Film Courage Video Interview

[Watch the video interview on Youtube here]


Film Courage: Your plan was to go into medicine?

Alok Mishra, Filmmaker: Yes, my father’s plan for me. Indian people, I’m Indian, are doctors, lawyers, engineers usually. My dad was a doctor and he had one son (myself) that was intellectually stimulated by medicine, so he thought You should be a doctor. I got up into doing a masters in [neurobiology] and doing well enough on the MCAT to be able to go to school and I just told him I don’t want to do this. I wanted to do film instead.

Film Courage: When you told him I don’t want to do this, did you take any new measures to get yourself into film after that or was it a weaning off process?

Alok: I told him and he was like If you’re going to do it, you’ve got like two years to figure it out…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).



Alok Mishra is a producer known for 1BR (2019), Girl on a Bicycle (2013) and Tales of the Uncanny (2020).





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