
One Day AI Will Create Story Structures That Don’t Exist Today – Russell Palmer

[Watch the video interview on Youtube here]


Film Courage: How would you explain AI to a child?

Russell Palmer, Co-Founder of CyberFilm AI: I think that AI is the first computer that learns like children do. Back in the day we would program computers and a program would look like:

If this happens, do this

If this button is clicked, do this

But if it’s already been deleted, give this 

You have to almost like a tree of everything thing that could possibly happen and you program it in but you can’t do that for self-driving cars, you can’t have a statement that covers anything that can happen:

A child runs into the road to catch a Pokémon on Pokémon Go 

It can’t account for everything. 

The way AI works is we don’t program it, we show it examples. The simplest one I would use for a child is let’s say I have 10 pictures and some of them have cats and some of them don’t or they have dogs or other animals. You would take all 10 of these pictures and scan it in and then you would label: 

Cat, yes 

Cat, no

Cat, yes

Cat, no

If you show it enough pictures that are labeled, it builds what’s called a neural network. What I would say to the kid is it’s like our brain where if you do something enough times, those connections get really strong. In a neural network we call those weights and so it has its own representations of what dogs and cats are. It breaks it down by a cat has eyes like this and pointy ears and so that veers off from…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).



Russell Palmer is a technologist and Silicon Valley Product Manager with a background in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, having worked at companies including Microsoft, Viv Labs AI, Samsung Research AI, and JPMorgan’s AI Lab at Stanford Research Park. He co-founded the startup CyberFilm AI in 2021 with his brother Andrew, an indie writer/screenwriter/director/producer/actor, founder of Synapz Productions and an AD on Hollywood productions around Toronto, Vancouver, and Los Angeles (and WGC/DGC/CMPA member).

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