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This Is How I Started A Production Company And Made It A Career – Antoine Allen [FULL INTERVIEW]

Antoine Allen Film Courage video interview

[Watch the video interview on Youtube here]


Film Courage: Antoine at one point in your life you were homeless? 

Antoine Allen, Filmmaker: Yes, I was. 

Film Courage: Okay and at another point in your life you were making six figures plus a year? 

Antoine: Yes, I was. 

Film Courage: Maybe you can take us through both times in your life and how they intersected? 

Antoine: That was a great couple of first questions. I like it…okay…homeless. I came from humble beginnings, raised in south side Jamaica, Queens and had the best mom and best dad. When you’re younger you get mad at them but when you get older you realize that they’re trying their best and they were broken. They’re going through their own internal demons. Around 20 I basically left the house because at the time my mom (she’s not here anymore) she chose her boyfriend over her kids. I left the house. I was homeless for like a year and a half and I started a job working in New York and that was a moment when I realized that you’ve got to do better. You can’t let your past determine your future and you’ve got to turn your pain into purpose…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).


About Antoine Allen:


Award-winning filmmaker Antoine Allen had dreams like any other kid growing up, and it was those same dreams that allowed him to break through every obstacle in his path. Despite growing up poor in Jamaica, Queens, Allen was already rich with potential. Refusing to let this define his future, he moved forward with a passion, drive, and tireless dedication that has now become synonymous with the Antoine Allen brand.

Allen began his career in the music industry, successfully managing hip-hop artists for many years. During that time, he had several experiences that opened his eyes to the fact that he had more to offer. It was at this time that the phrase “dream big or don’t dream at all” really hit hard.

Forgoing the traditional film school route, he began educating himself on all creative, technical, and business aspects of the process and never looked back. Allen transformed himself into a successful writer, director, filmmaker and producer. He sold his first screenplay, 

No Where Land an animated feature film in 2008. As an award-winning director, Allen has gone on to be involved in a variety of film and music video projects.

In the summer of 2010, Allen made his directorial debut with Split Decision a narrative short film exploring love, rejection and motivation, which he also wrote and produced. He took promotions into his own hands, launching a highly successful social media campaign. The trailer alone received over twenty-one thousand views on YouTube and countless ‘Likes’ on Facebook, all culminating in the Split Decision world premiere. The opening screening in New York City sold out. This should have come as no surprise since Allen sold out a premiere to a 3-minute music video that he had previously directed. On a personal level, the film allowed him to draw from his own experiences of beating the odds when life got tough, and was an experience that brought Allen full circle.

His most recent project, a full-length feature film Life Is Too Short (2015) premiered to another crop of sold out audiences and has been honored with multiple awards and film festivals selections.

Aside from pursuing his creative projects, Allen has devoted a great deal of his time inspiring, mentoring and giving back to his community by helping young entrepreneurs and artists achieve the bigger dreams that they have for themselves. This is a reflection of the extent and impact that one person can have within their surroundings. 





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