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Why Screenwriters Need To Know Math And Other Screenwriting Lessons – Logan Burdick [FULL INTERVIEW]

Logan Burdick Film Courage Video Interview

[Watch the video interview on Youtube here]


Film Courage: How does your life compare now versus when you were in high school thinking when you were older about becoming a writer, how life would look?

Logan Burdick, Screenwriter: That’s an interesting question. I feel it’s not exactly how I envisioned it when I was younger. However I feel the ways in which it has been really amazing and incredible and all the things that I’m actually thankful for, I think sometimes you don’t notice. Something happens where you’re so busy doing a thing that you don’t really notice where you’re at. I’ve noticed that a lot in different situations where sometimes you arrive at a certain sort of place that you thought about in your head and you don’t even notice because you’re too busy actually being involved in it. That to me is interesting.

Film Courage: You had originally wanted to be a novelist when you were younger?

Logan: When I was very young, yes. When I went to USC for film school I wanted to be a director. Everything else was not particularly interesting to me. I always had been writing. When you’re a kid sort of one-man banding things by yourself. I would edit and you shoot the thing yourself but all in a very rudimentary type of way. You’re not a professional, you’re not skilled at any of this. When I went to school it was to focus solely on directing.

When I graduated I realized that the industry itself there is not an entry-level position for most people. For a very specific handful of people, you can jump right in, but your odds tend to be much better if you have another skill set that there is more openings for.

I started concentrating on writing at the very end of school. When I got out of school that’s when I started pursuing that passion a lot more full-time…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).



Logan Burdick is a writer/director who has spent his professional life immersed in the digital media landscape (as a creator, producer, and production/development executive), and seeks to infuse the style, culture, and stories of that world into traditional storytelling. Logan’s latest script IT TAKES THREE is a modern influencer twist on a Cyrano de Bergerac story when the coolest guy in school discovers that the new girl sees through his popularity and good looks, he enlists the class nerd to take over his social media accounts to add substance to his style.







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