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Future Of Filmmaking Is Here Now: Start Doing What You Love – Byron Q [FULL INTERVIEW]

Byron Q. Filmmaker Video Interview

[Watch the video interview on Youtube here]


Film Courage: Why do you say stop chasing your dreams? 

Byron Q., Writer/Director: I think you’re referring to a vlog that I made? I think later in life I realized that the idea of chasing your dreams was something that made me unhappy because you’re always chasing after something and if you don’t achieve it then you feel you failed or you’re not getting fulfillment. What I realize is it’s not about the achievement of some grand dream or making an incredible film or anything, it’s the process of making films, being creative that’s what made me happy and that’s why I started making films in the first place. I think halfway into that I lost track of that because I started focusing more on the awards or what external factors were seeing me as. I think when I made that video it was my way of telling myself to Hey, stop chasing after dreams, just start doing what you loveand that was telling stories and being creative in whichever way, shape or form. 

Film Courage: When did you stop chasing your dreams? 

Byron: When did I stop chasing my dreams? That’s a complex question because I don’t think I ever stopped chasing my dreams. I think it’s a constant process of me trying to pull back from this idea of chasing after something. There’s always that aspect of it that’s there. I can’t really say I stopped chasing my dreams but I’ve started to live my dreams if you want to say it that way. I want to live my dream and my dream has changed. My dream is not to be standing up…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).



Byron Q is a Chinese American writer/director originally from the San Francisco Bay Area. His first film Bang Bang won the Best 1st feature jury award at the 2011 Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival. The film went on to gain a cult following within the Asian American street culture. His last feature, Las Vegas Story, starred Eric Roberts, is distributed by Indie Rights. He is repped by Housefire Management. Byron recently completed a successful $25,000 Kickstarter campaign for a short sci-fi film entitled Killing of a Machine which plans on using Virtual Production workflows and Unreal Engine.   









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