Cinematography & Cameras

5 Reasons Why Filmmakers Need To Start Thinking About Virtual Production – Keith Sutliff

[Watch the video interview on Youtube here]


Film Courage: How did you first hear about virtual production?

Film Director/Producer/Writer/Owner of Sutliff Studios – Virtual Productions, Keith Sutliff: Virtual production really became big and known from the Mandalorian TV show from Disney. That’s kind of like where I got a taste of it and heard about it, in 2019 around Covid (maybe 2020). That’s when I first started extensively researching it and saw the power and the capabilities and all the things, what can be done that can benefit and help people and filmmakers and companies with filming for whatever they’re trying to shoot (whatever project). 

Film Courage: How many movies or TV shows can you name right now that you feel use virtual production? 

Keith: There’s a lot, The Mandalorian. I mentioned one, it’s a space movie with Tom Cruise, I don’t remember off my head. The Lion King used it. There’s been a lot of commercials that have used it for stuff, airplane stuff, car process stuff, commercials for Samsung or cell phone commercials. In a car they don’t have to actually go drive out in the street so they use virtual production and camera view effects which they parallel. 

Film Courage: How did you decide to build your own studio? 

Keith: This whole studio came about a couple years ago. I was location scouting for a project in Lancaster [California] in the desert. I was already researching virtual production and looking into it and saw the benefits of it but when I was in Lancaster I was driving out there. I was in my Jeep and I go on this hilltop area and of course…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).



Film Director/Producer/Writer Keith Sutliff, originally from Florida, moved to Los Angeles in 2012. His award-winning work in film encompasses feature films, episodic narratives, short form content and commercial productions. Keith’s original screenplays are the foundation for his creative projects. His original screenplay The Refuge (2019), acquired by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is included in the Margaret Herrick Library (The Oscars Library) permanent Core Collection there. His feature films held premieres at Grauman’s Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood with theatrical releases to follow.


Keith’s creative vision has driven him to master the aspects of filmmaking, writing and now virtual production. He founded his production company, KS Pictures, in early 2016. He is now fully committed to virtual production, opening a film studio in the Arts District-Downtown area of Los Angeles called “Sutliff Studios: Virtual Productions.” The studio focuses on rental to companies for film, TV, commercial, and other related media content productions. The studio also focuses on in-house production of its own virtual productions. This is done using the latest cutting-edge software and equipment to bring productions together on a virtual stage. Gaming software such as Unreal Engine combined with a camera tracking solution to help bring real time rendering along with “parallax” on the LED volume wall to life. He is also heavily involved in the operation of the production and filming techniques used on a virtual stage and In-Camera VFX. Familiarity with 2D and 3D assets used on a LED volume and all the technical elements that goes into filming on these stages.












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