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How To Get Started In Filmmaking (With No Experience) – Alok Mishra

“if you take interest in certain things, people may take interest in you.”

Film Courage: What if someone feels like they’re not ready to pursue the film business?

Alok Mishra, Producer: You hopefully know yourself better than anybody else. It depends on what you want to do. If you’re a producer, work for another producer, become an assistant. If you want to do development for example, if you want to be an actor, you need to take probably a lot of classes and be confident that you can hit the marks, do this, do that or whatever. You need to get in a space where you’re comfortable and confident enough to be able to do whatever job it is you want to do in this industry.

I think a lot of that comes from doing and learning. You may need to work as a PA or whatever. If you want to learn all the jobs in production, working as a PA is a great job. You don’t get paid anything but you get to see and learn a lot of things and if you’re on certain productions, if you take interest in certain things, people may take interest in you and you may become Oh, wow I’m interested in sound. Well come here, look, learn how this works and they’ll help you out. Then Hey, I need an assistant. Next time why don’t you be the boom guy? then you go and you do that. You can wear a lot of different hats being a PA. You can learn and kind of figure out maybe who your tribe is, if that makes sense?

Film Courage: Even extra work and you get fed and you get paid.

Alok: You want to see how it works, right? There’s lots of ways to learn and get paid a little bit at least.

Film Courage: How does a filmmaker know they have something to offer a story worth telling?

Alok: I always like to say if it’s original, that’s one thing. If it’s something you haven’t seen in a long time, that’s another thing too. I think that you learn…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).



Alok Mishra is a producer known for 1BR (2019), Girl on a Bicycle (2013) and Tales of the Uncanny (2020).






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