"Goodbye Promise is a visually alert, enormously well-observed film that deftly captures Hollywood heartbreak."
LA Times
"On a micro budget, Filmmaker David Branin and Actor Gregor Collins have created a perceptive and touching portrait of the lives of struggling actors working on the fringes of Hollywood."
Fred Roos, Producer, Lost In Translation
"There’s about a dozen really poignant moments in the film, where it hits that true emotional core that should resonate."
89.3 KPCC
First, a synopsis:
Matt moves to Los Angeles and makes a pact with himself: In seven years he’ll be a working actor. He promises that if he isn’t working by then, he’ll pack up and go home. The film opens seven days before his self-prescribed seven-year-deadline… and he is just as anonymous as the day he started. This is his goodbye story.
Our Story:
When we made the decision to launch production, we had just about everything stacked against us: no script, no money, and no camera crew. But we knew we were sitting on a deeply personal story—one all three of us were living everyday, and one we knew millions of other artists around the world would find just as personal.
We shot on weekends spanning an entire summer. Since 100% of the dialogue was improvised, we often had no idea where a scene was headed, let alone how the film would end. But amassing a cast of talented actors we knew would deliver natural performances, and keeping our goal in mind—to tell an authentic story about what it’s really like to come to terms with failure—we forged ahead into the unknown. And we believe we came up with something that will resonate with anyone who has ever pursued a dream.
Why We Are Releasing It On IndieGogo:
We’re confident we’ve found the best and most exciting way we can unveil our film. Bypassing film festivals and theatrical options gives us the opportunity to immediately share it with an audience—you—online. Waiters, we are not. Waiting around to be discovered is never an option for us. We’re releasing this film in a way that, as you hear of it, you’ll be able to watch it and share it freely with as little resistance as possible.Our financial target is $1,000,000. While anything’s possible, our core intent isn’t to make the million dollars—all we want is the opportunity to show our film to as many people as we can. Our research has indicated that we are the first to use a crowdfunding platform to distribute a film directly to an audience online.
How To Watch Goodbye Promise:
Click the donate button, give at least a buck, go to the update section, and you’ll be given an unlisted YouTube link to the film. That’s it! We ask that you not share the film link with others. We realize there’s no way to regulate that, so all we can do is request that be honored. If you do decide to donate/watch the film—and it resonates in any way—we welcome you to refer this page to friends and colleagues around the world.
If we don’t reach our goal, the money we earn will go toward the debt that has come as a result of making this film. Anyone who has made a film knows the expenses that incur in the post-production process. If we do well enough to pay off our expenses, monies will then go toward the support of a limited DVD release. And if we do really well we will put the money into our upcoming projects.
We shot Goodbye Promise because we were frustrated with the downside of chasing our dreams, the part that no one likes to talk about. We wanted to take those frustrations out on celluloid in the most honest way possible. Now we need your help. For this to catch fire like we think it can, we need you to supply the kindling.
Check out the Film Courage ‘Doc Maker’s Tool Kit,’ ‘Crowdfunding Tool Kit,’ ‘Actor’s Tool Kit‘ and ‘Youtuber’ Resource page for videos, articles and podcast episodes pertaining to each category.