
Imagine There Is No Film and Television Industry by Joe Wilson

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

Filmmaker / Web Series Creator Joe Wilson (VAMPIRE MOB) shares his thoughts on the issues facing Web Series creators while encouraging us all to go out and tell our stories.

Vampire Mob is audience-funded. There is no network, no production company and no web site paying for us to make this story, we make it for our audience, “The VMob.”

It’s a comedy (with swearing and murder) about Don Grigioni (John Colella), a hitman who thought he had the solution to all his problems, become a vampire.

Don never planned on making his wife, Annie (Reamy Hall) a vampire, “But then I got hungry.”  Annie bites her mother, Virginia (played by Emmy winning actress Marcia Wallace) because she wants someone to complain about Don to and now Virginia’s moving in with them, for eternity.

With Don’s business slowing down, more mouths to feed and a power shake up with “the families,” the last thing Don needs is another to-do on his to-do list – find out who wants him dead.

Check out Joe Wilson’s article ‘How to Lose Everything on Kickstarter and Still Raise a Production Budget.’

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